Sibling rivalry

 A year ago, my son brought home an  adopted labrador  from chennai . Her masters had  thrown her  out because she had mated with a stray dog and littered. Withered and pale, shivering  in the rain, she was found by a good soul who cared for her, treated her and put her for adoption. Today,  Nila( as we named her) is the uncrowded Queen of the house,  scaring away peacocks and snakes who visit us often. 

A couple of days ago, my son brought home a siamese cat, who is now a threat to Nila's territory.  She is waiting at the door for an opportunity to pounce on this newcomer.
And, I am contemplating on the " sibling rivalry syndrome" ......
Why does it set in ?? Who is responsible??
When the second child is born, the older child may feel that his/her relationship with parents is threatened by the arrival of a new baby. To add fuel to the fire, relatives and friends shower gifts on this child.  I always take gifts for the older child. The pride on the first born's face when I say " Your younger sibling is happy and proud to  be born as your brother/sister" is a treat to experience.
As an educationist, I feel, the so-called behavioural issues in children is a reflection of parental attitudes and behaviour.
Let us learn to be and let be ...... 


  1. Me too ...take a small gift for the elder child even if I don't present one to the newborn .
    I ve learnt through my mistakes n by observing better parents , that to support the physically weaker sibling or the one whom we assume is right in a fight ,always leads to disaster in the relationship between us n them nd between them . Do NOT interfere in any way unless it's extreme violence.
    Not being a pet parent , I speak only for human siblings .


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