Criminals are not born so

 This article( pic) in the newspaper sent a ripple of thoughts over me.

No one is born a criminal. Convicts are created by the society. Statistics says that most of them have experienced childhood traumas, which could lead to unacceptable , unnatural behaviour patterns.
As an educator, I try my best to bring awareness to our parents thro parenting sessions and discussions. Bearing a child is  not to be an accident. It has to be a planned event. It is not a liability.  Parenthood is  a  responsibility.
This article is  about actor-dancer Alokananda Roy who has taken the off-beat path to create a band of prisoners who travel around the country unescorted by police to perform folk dance,martial dance and skits. None of them attempted to escape...
When you are soulfully engaged at a task there, there is no need to escape. Isn't it?

In the past decades, the" rat race " for earning money has led  Educationists to focus on a  lopsided curriculum to build human machines. Music, art, performing arts etc was considered insufficient for material pursuits.  Right-brain stimulation has largely been ignored and that's seen as frustrations and perversions in the society. Times are changing and covid has taught us some important life lessons. Let us support such artists who are like a gentle fragrance making a difference in the society.
In the olden days The Kings supported and respected artists. Also, the gurukul system of education nurtures  wholesome development in the child. Its never too late to rethink and reorient our thought process.  


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