Unforgettable moments with my children

Gift of love from a young girl

I have a  letter box outside my room where anyone can drop letters . I open it personally , keep it confidential and take necessary action . This morning there was a pretty long letter from a twelve year old . She had written about her grandparents, about how I was her father's first teacher etc ( I have been at Rajendra for more than  three decades , and we have our Alumni  admitting their children at our school now !) .
These lines touched my heart  " Mam, I come and stand outside your cabin many times. But you are always busy" .

And today I called her to my room and she spoke nonstop about her family, about how she has saved 150rs to buy gift for her mother's birthday etc . She has recently lost her grandmother ( who used to tell her stories ) and was emotional when she shared her moments with her . And she expressed her wish to learn veena( my children's day surprise for them ) . This deep yearning to learn  moved me. And I told her that I shal get my veena and teach her.  She can practise in my room whenever she has free time.
Children in affluent families do not have this WILL cos they take so much for granted. It is such children who keep me going. They are worth giving our " heart and soul" to .


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